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5G mmWave Network Planning of Urban Areas for a Tier-1 Canadian Telco

The client, faced with congestion in the 4G spectrum, sought 5G mmWave networks to provide higher (gigabit) speeds and support low latency in urban areas. But mmWave propagation loss in dense city environments was one of the most critical barriers stopping the client from unleashing the superiority of 5G. In addition to ensuring network quality, network planning must consider offloading 4G and control infrastructure investment.


  • Leveraged GIS datasets (e.g., street furniture, vegetation, etc.) to analyze propagation losses
  • Planned and designed the 5G network with ultra-high-resolution 3D modelling
  • Identified sites to offload 4G sectors in congestion hot-spots


20% CapEx & OpEx savings

250+ Mbps Average speed achieved for 5G subscribers

1,200+ 4G sectors offloaded

20% Improvement in end user 4G throughput

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