5G Mobile Private Networks


Rapidly changing customer expectations are compelling telcos to modernize and create intelligent networks. Companies want 5G’s ultra-low latency, high bandwidth and security to support data-intensive applications. A one-size-fits-all approach no longer fits, and a nuanced approach is needed to upgrade to wireless private networks.

TCTS leverages its telco DNA, a robust partner and tools ecosystem with certified professionals to plan, design and implement 5G private networks. Our pre-integrated solutions, platform-based services, and solutions frameworks ensure your network aligns with business goals. From private networks for manufacturing, ports, enterprises and more, our expertise helps bridge the gap between enterprises and operators with solutions that deliver desired use cases.

Our Impact

15 – 25 %

Capex Optimization Through Modular Services Approach

20 – 30 %

Reduced Network Launch Cycle

Vendor Agnostic

Implementation Capabilities

Offering Component

MPN Planning and Designing

Create a resilient use-case-driven private network infrastructure by leveraging the right blend of technology, cloud-native tools, and domain expertise.

MPN Deployment

Enable seamless on-prem / cloud deployment of secure, compliant and integrated high-performing cellular private networks by leveraging our automated workflows for service integration.

MPN Managed Services

Minimize downtime, maximize efficiency, and lower your opex by leveraging our Neo AutomataTM wireless factory for AI-driven end-to-end managed private network services.


Over 15 years of experience in implementing and managing enterprise telecom networks
One-stop shop for all MPN deployment models
Vendor-agnostic approach
Global partner ecosystem
COTS-based EPC / 5GC / RAN deployment
Single pane view into operations driven by Neo AutomataTM platform
Solutions pre-integrated across multiple OEMs
Wide pool of experienced and certified professionals

Business Benefits

Enable Seamless Transition

Adopt, transition and upgrade to 5G MPN technology with ease and pace.

Drive Technology Readiness

Achieve enterprise-wide agility to accommodate technology advancements.

Reduce your Opex

Lower your Opex with smart solutions, automation and predictive maintenance.

Leverage Exceptional Skill-Sets

Leverage the expertise of our experienced and skilled professionals for efficient and cost-effective managed services.